
Hasil penelusuran

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

The IS Audit Process

Risk Analysis
Risk analysis helps to identify risks and vulnerabilities to be able to determine controls needed to mitigate those risks

What is a Risk?

Elements of Risks
Threats to, and vulnerabilities of, process and/or assets
Impact on assets based on threats and vulnerabilities
Probability of threats (combination of the likehood and frequency of occurrence)

IS Auditor’s Focus on Risk
Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity of sensitive and critical information
Underlying information system and process that generate, store and manipulate information

How You Deal With Risk

Internal Control
Organizational Structures

The independent examination of records and other information in order to form an opinion on the integrity of a system of controls and recommend control improvements to limit risks

Audit Classification
Financial Audits
Operational Audits
Integrated Audits
Administrative Audits
IS Audits
Specialized Audits
Forensic Audits

IS Auditing
Process of collecting and evaluating evidence determine whether the computer system safeguards assets, maintains data integrity, achieve organizational goals effectively and uses resources efficiently.

IS Audit Process

Performing IS Audit
The flow diagram could perhaps have been drawn more realistically like this:


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